A woman dons many hats – a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend and more – but the beauty is the ease with which they are able to switch between roles and multitask. This International women's day we spoke to influential ladies across India to celebrate any and all women, and unite them in a single thread of sisterhood.
We live in a world defined by beauty filters, photoshopped bodies, airbrushed skin, and tiny waists, a distorted semblance of normalcy propagated by social media; we’ve glorified these unrealistic beauty standards for far too long, and it’s time to put an end to it! This women's day, be unapologetically you and celebrate ourselves every day because #ThePresentIsFemale.
Archana Jain, CEO & MD PR Pundit

What’s your International Women’s Day message? Women have certain instinctive skills likeListening, Creativity and Emotional Quotient. Leadership requires this three in abundance. So I would like more women to recognise this and rise to take charge. The only thing holding back women is: CONFIDENCE So believe in yourself! Believe in your idea, abilities AND persevere to chase your goals.
What does power mean to you? Ability to shape conversations and attitudes to influence change.
What are you most proud of doing? It is fulfilling to have created an enviable PR brand PR Pundit in 25 years. Our team of 145+ practitioners based across Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru, are known to look beyond the traditional, employing creativity and skilful storytelling to engage relevant stakeholders. Rather than wave the flag for women with words, I am proud to have taken action to support women in the day-to-day business environment and embedded it in the organisational culture. PR Pundit has an 85% women workforce and has welcomed women back into the workforce after they have taken a break to nurture a family by providing flexibility in work schedules and working from home from as early as 2004. What is the role you enjoy most as a woman? To be able to offer a perspective from the point of view of the ignored half of the global population.
Rimple Narulah, Celebrity fashion designer

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
I think women at times waste a lot of time contemplating the future- thinking about how it is going to happen, and how will I manage the juggle between job and home. But it's a new world now. When you are claiming to have equal rights like men then stand up and start taking action. I believe you cannot wait because things/opportunities are not gonna fall in place or in your lap. Be confident and courageous and all that is meant for you will find a way to reach you!
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
No, I have never felt that although for centuries we have been raised in male dominant atmosphere in today's time I can vouch for equality.
Women are fighting back, they are not holding it to themselves. Now we share equally in the distribution of power and influence; have equal opportunities for financial independence through work or through setting up businesses; enjoy equal access to education and the opportunity to develop personal ambitions, interests and talents; share responsibility for the home and children and are completely free from coercion, intimidation and gender-based violence both at work and at home.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
Motherhood - As a mother, you have the ability to shape your child's life and that should be executed very well. Good communication and being a friend is a prime importance to being a mother.
What does power mean to you?
The ability to influence other people and bring change is power.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
Droupadi Murmu, she is a woman who has always defied the odds, the ideal living example of a ‘never give up’ spirit.
Neha Suri, Managing Partner 1010 Creative

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
By showing up and being my best version every day. Allowing insecurities to creep in or questioning your abilities is where you could lose the battle. Believing in my abilities and surrounding myself with a group of women who inspire me, I look up to and learn from the best women/men around me, that is what I focus on. Being positive and actually moving the needle is a way more effective way to succeed than fear or doubt of how things wouldn't work out. It's that constant belief that helps me navigate my way successfully and play my role as the managing partner at 1010 Creative.
What role do you enjoy the most as a woman?
I can proudly say, I love being everything all at once. A mom, a wife, a boss, a mentor for women around me, a friend for my girlfriends, a role model for my kids. It's a lot of fun wearing so many different hats in a day and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
What does power mean to you?
Power to me is the ability to help people truly achieve what they want. Working with others and for others and somehow positively impacting their lives, that is true power.
What are you most proud of doing?
I’m proud of leading an organisation where there are women in every department and at every level. I truly believe it’s a level playing field for everyone here at 1010 creative and that's something that gives me immense pleasure.
Vibhuti Arora, Founder House of Beauty India and Face Yoga School India

What does power mean to you?
Power to me is standing alone in the crowd and yet being content! Because when u choose to lead - you are empowered and directing that in the right direction is true power. One can be a powerful woman by being a powerful mother by raising kids who will change the world.
A powerful daughter by being the support system the family needs. By being an independent team member - power doesn’t always mean doing something it can be found in being silent and yet empowering those around you.
What are you most proud of doing?
I am proud of the fact that I get to truly heal people. I started House of Beauty as a basic skincare-FaceYoga brand but slowly and steadily it started to help people with graver skin conditions. Today the brand that it’s shaped to be when I interact with my clients the gratitude that I get is beyond satisfying. I am truly proud of that
Kitty Kalra, Celebrity fitness and pilates expert

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
If you only let your confidence and positive attitude dominate, you’ll realise there is no ‘male-dominated environment’. It’s the stories others tell us because they think of themselves as less and hence feel threatened.
What’s your international women’s day message?
If you have the power to create human life, then you also have the power to create a powerful world around you. Believe in yourself and always know that you are enough, you do enough and have enough. Don’t limit yourself in your thoughts and always operate from the feeling of abundance not lack!
What does power mean to you?
Power means staying in control and positive in any situation and owning one’s choices. Being powerful is more about giving than receiving. To uplift people, helping them to recognise their worth and making them feel loved and supported is the most powerful thing.
What are you most proud of doing?
At 30, to have the willpower to heal myself and walk again after being bedridden for 6 months due to a car accident and being told I’d never be able to walk again.
At 40, to carve a niche for me in the career of my dreams, when most think of retiring or slowing down.
At 50, to become a life coach and a positive psychology coach.… to live in surrender and gratitude, even if I face the biggest lows.
Pearl Uppal, Founder and Designer Talking Threads

How do you succeed in a male dominated environment?
By staying true to my purpose, passion and ambition and disregarding “gender” in the equation.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Don’t ‘genderify’ people and context. Stay committed to your ambition.
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
No, in fact, I believe women are the most powerful beings on this planet earth.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
A mom to my two sons Vikramaditya, Arjunagastya and my gorgeous canine daughter Elsa
What does power mean to you?
Being able to influence others towards positive action. Being able to focus on the larger rocks of life and not get lost in the details.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
Not one, but many. Here are the ones that are right at the top:
Marie Curie“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”
Ada Lovelace “That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal; as time will show.
Margeret Thatcher"What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose."
My Mom“Be your own wind beneath your wings”.
Jessica Singh Gandhi, Founder Stanley Communications

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment? Succeeding in a male-dominated environment can be challenging. It's important to recognize that gender bias and stereotypes may exist, and be prepared to navigate them. This may involve advocating for yourself, seeking out allies and mentors who can support you, and actively addressing any instances of discrimination or bias. It's important to be persistent and not give up, even in the face of obstacles or setbacks. With determination, hard work, and support, you can succeed in any environment, regardless of gender dynamics.
What’s your International Women’s Day message? My International Women's Day message is to encourage women to support and empower each other. Over the past decade, women have demonstrated their capabilities and achieved tremendous progress. However, it is essential to recognize that there is still a long way to go towards gender equality, and we can achieve this by standing together. As a society, we must resist the urge to bring each other down and instead uplift and encourage one another. It is unfortunate that women have often been known to tear each other down, but we can overcome this by fostering a supportive community. Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it. Absolutely! I have personally experienced situations where the idea of "women" and "power" seemed incompatible. In my experience, ageism also played a significant role in this. I have often encountered situations where my work was not taken seriously, and I was dismissed as a young girl who was just passing time. These opportunities were seen as something frivolous, rather than a demonstration of my skills and abilities. However, I have been fortunate enough to prove that the concept of women's power is not incompatible. Through hard work and dedication, I have been able to show that age and gender do not define one's capabilities. I have been able to demonstrate that women have just as much power and potential as any other group of people. Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you. To be completely honest, there isn't just one moment that has inspired me. Rather than having one particular role model, I draw inspiration from the journeys of many individuals. I believe that each person has a unique story to tell, and I find myself in awe of the many women who are making an impact every single day. Through platforms such as Instagram, I am grateful to have the opportunity to come across inspiring stories and remarkable women who are making their mark in various fields. These stories remind me of the importance of making an emotional and mental investment in the success of women, not just in a business sense. What does power mean to you? In my opinion, power is a luxury that I have been fortunate enough to experience. The ability to pursue my passions and work with the individuals and teams of my choosing has given me a sense of empowerment that I cherish deeply. Having the freedom to build my team and work in a way that aligns with my values and goals is what I consider true power. It fuels me every day, and I wake up feeling empowered by the control I have over my life and my work. For me, power is not just about status or wealth. It is about the ability to create and achieve on my own terms. Which powerful woman do you admire the most? To me, every woman is inherently powerful. As women, we take on many roles and responsibilities, and our ability to succeed in various areas of life is a testament to our strength and resilience. Seeing women succeed in different ways is the ultimate embodiment of power for me. What are you most proud of doing? More than building a successful business, I take great pride in building a community. What started unintentionally as a team of women has become a tight-knit group of individuals who support and empower each other both personally and professionally. Seeing my team come together and lift each other up is my proudest achievement.
Neha Kumthekar Co-Founder and Brand Custodian

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
My strongest suit is my people skills. Over time, I have successfully built strong
relationships with people who have stuck around for a long time. My tight-knit community
further boosts my confidence to be more expressive while understanding multiple
perspectives that strengthen my position as a leader.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Life is like a bungee jump. You fall to rise again. Only on the second jump do you know
exactly how you are going to feel and hence you are more prepared to face the fall.
So dream big and never let the fall deter you from taking the plunge. Instead, let those
moments be a lesson to enhance your growth.
What does power mean to you?
Power is the state of mind you bring to all the situations life throws at you. My strong
personal power comes from my attitude to own my choices and be accountable for all my
decisions, no matter what.
What are you most proud of doing?
I am truly proud of the journey I have had as a woman entrepreneur. It’s surely not an easy
task but every experience comes with its own learnings and I am glad to be a part of this
wave of women entrepreneurs breaking barriers to inspire more women to go all in and
take a chance on achieving their dreams.
Dr Kiran Sethi, Dermatologist, Founder Isya Derm and Author Skin Senses

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
I study to stay up-to-date and remain ahead of the curve. I like to build up on my strengths which include being very understanding and thoughtful, which makes me delve deeper into things. I also refuse to follow the herd. I like to carve out my own way and burst skincare myths on my social media page. Basically, embracing who I am is my formula to succeed.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Women everywhere should identify and work with their own voices. They should contemplate and reflect on their goals and then plan to achieve them strategically. We all have our own unique spark and women should embrace who they are and how they plan to live their life. Trust your intuition and your purpose.
What does power mean to you?
To me, power is the ability to exert influence on your surroundings like how I am able to exert a certain amount of influence at my clinic Isya to change and transform processes the way I want to. For me, power also means freedom- the freedom to live the way I want and to be who I want to be. Freedom does not mean a lack of responsibility, it means the ability to follow through with your responsibility and do what's right even though it’s a difficult choice.
What are you most proud of doing?
I am most proud of how I managed to be a working woman, a mother, a daughter, and a friend to the best of my abilities. I am not perfect but I hope and believe that I am able to love while also believing in myself and achieving my dreams.
Ananya Mukherjee, Head PR – Rajasthan & Uttarakhand (IHCL) and Director of PR & Marketing, Taj Palace, New Delhi

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Women, I believe, have three great powers – strength, patience and resilience. Life has its ebbs and flows, but as women, we must pivot ourselves to these three qualities that will always make us shine, come what may. As women, let’s rise by lifting others, and create communities that inspire, heal, uplift and encourage those around us.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
As a woman, I am proud of my ability to empathise, to be sensitive and to feel deeply about situations. At the same time, I take pride in being strong and resilient. This extraordinary confluence of the two is what makes me enjoy my role as a woman.
What does power mean to you?
Power to me means the ability and strength to uplift and help others. I believe in the philosophy of giving back and doing good and if one is in a position of influence, then the best way to embody it is to help others and the community grow.
What are you most proud of doing?
I take immense pride in working for a brand as cherished and renowned as the Taj. My role as a marketing, communications and PR professional encourages me to ideate, conceptualise and relentlessly pursue my creative and artistic side. It is an honour to be a part of a hotel as iconic as the Taj Palace, New Delhi and lead PR and Marketing for our hotels across Rajasthan and Uttarakhand.
Ruhani Singh Mann, Founder and Managing Director, Brand Talk Communications

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
My women’s day message will be for all women to have faith in themselves, embrace their own individuality, accept their unique skills and talents and use them to fearlessly contribute to the world around them. Think big and dream big! There is nothing a man can do that woman can’t do better (and in heels).
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
I enjoy being a pillar of strength to many. Standing right next to each other in every need and want, ecstatic victories and daunting storms. Being a woman is a special calling with God’s given purpose and potential to nurture and transform society. I enjoy it when women stand next to each other and fight against society to build an inclusive and just society for themselves. Women together can attain anything they dream of. I enjoy my compassion for the self and others, intelligence and desire to support women.
What does power mean to you?
Power means courage. Courage to be kind. Courage to fight the world. Courage to be gentle with yourself. Courage to change the way the world perceives strength.
What are you most proud of doing?
I am most proud of celebrating my ability to create nurture and transform every single day.
Sarita Handa, Founder and Creative Director, Sarita Handa

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
When you have passion and truly believe in your work, you don’t allow anything to be a roadblock in your journey. I started with limited capital, zero client base and pure conviction in what I was doing, and most importantly, I surrounded myself with strong women who inspired and supported me every step of the way.
What’s your International Women’s Day message? To all the women out there who are dreaming of becoming business owners, my message is simple: don’t think, just go for it! Trust me when I say that the world needs more female entrepreneurs. To the women who are already running their own businesses, congratulations on your achievements. You’ve overcome countless obstacles and hurdles, and today, you inspire future business owners everywhere. While we celebrate the wonderful victories and achievements of female entrepreneurs around the world, we must not forget that more work is to be done to provide a fair and equitable environment for all women. As women, we must strive to break barriers, support one another, and play our part in smashing the glass ceiling.
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
While I have personally never encountered this, I have enough female peers who have been placed in situations where they have been made to feel less than, simply due to their gender - from having their work belittled to being overlooked for upward professional mobility. This is a symbol of societal and cultural biases that must be broken, as we women are more than capable of being powerful and successful.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
Within our business, we make sure to hire women from underprivileged background so they’re able to learn financial literacy and earn a living for themselves and their families. Whenever I see them taking pride in their work and gaining financial independence, my faith and determination in my work are bolstered. It shows me that the only way towards a more equitable society is the empowerment and upliftment of women.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
My most cherished roles are that of a mother, a female entrepreneur, and a lifelong ally of women's empowerment.
What does power mean to you?
I think the meaning of power changes from person to person. For me, power means leaving a legacy and a positive impact on the community around me, whether it’s making my team female-led, or hiring artisans from underserved communities, I want to make sure that I use my platform to give back to society. And to me, that is real power.
What are you most proud of doing?
On a personal note, I’m extremely proud of my daughter and everything she has accomplished. On the professional side, I’m proud of the work I continue to do and the impact Sarita Handa is creating for women of underprivileged circumstances. It is exceedingly gratifying to be involved in a line of work that makes a difference for women who are semi-skilled, uneducated and not economically independent.
Sanjana Lunia, Founder and Creative Head, Eris Home

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
Succeeding in a male-dominated environment can be challenging, but there are a few strategies that have helped me:
a) Build a strong network: It's important to develop relationships with both genders. Find mentors and advocates who can help guide you and support your career growth.
b) Be confident: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Don't let imposter syndrome or self-doubt hold you back.
c) Communicate assertively: Speak up confidently and assertively. Don't be afraid to express your opinions and ideas. We women tend to apologise or request more than our male counterparts which can make us seem submissive and easy to manipulate.
d) Be persistent: Don't give up in the face of obstacles or setbacks. Keep pushing forward and stay committed to your goals.
e) Support other women: Offer encouragement and mentorship to help other women succeed as well.
Remember, success is not just about fitting in or conforming to the expectations of others. It's about being true to yourself, leveraging your strengths, and creating your own path.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
We must continue to work towards a world where everyone, regardless of gender, has equal opportunities and rights. We must strive for a world where women are empowered, respected, and valued for their contributions to society. We can all play a role in achieving this goal by supporting women, amplifying their voices, and challenging gender stereotypes and biases.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
I have recently re-read, ‘A Princess Remembers’, a biography of Maharani Gayatri Devi. She was a truly inspiring woman who broke barriers and challenged societal norms throughout her life. One of her most empowering moments was when she became the first woman in India to contest elections and win a seat in the Indian parliament in 1962. She stood as an independent candidate and won the election by a landslide, with over 150,000 votes, which made it to the Guinness Book of World Records. She not only stepped out of her comfort zone as a maharani but also challenged the status quo of a male-dominated political arena, that too at a time when many women were still in purdah in India.
Her victory sent shockwaves through the country and inspired countless women to follow in her footsteps. She used her position in parliament to advocate for women's rights, education, and healthcare, and continued to work tirelessly for the betterment of society throughout her life.
Maharani Gayatri Devi's political triumph was a shining example of how women can break down barriers and achieve greatness, no matter how daunting the odds may seem. Her legacy continues to inspire generations of women to fight for their rights and to pursue their dreams with courage and determination.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
Women's lives are complex, diverse, and constantly evolving, shaped by a wide range of internal and external factors. I enjoy how dynamic the role of women is.
What does power mean to you?
Power to me is the freedom of choice.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
Maharani Gayatri Devi, for not only all that she accomplished in a very different India but also for the wisdom she had to know the difference between which curve balls are worth fighting and which should be gracefully embraced.
What are you most proud of doing?
I am most proud of being able to provide a safe, happy, fair and supportive work environment for my team which consists primarily of women, most of whom are primary breadwinners of their households.
Ankita Lath, Fashion Designer

How do you succeed in a male dominated environment?
No matter how we say that men and women are equal, a thin line of difference still prevails and always will. We dwell in a male-dominated society where each day is a struggle for a woman, none the less she is fiercely paving her way through it in every field and aspect possible. Believing in themselves and the power she has, women can achieve anything she wants, history and mythology is an evidence of the same! I think by staying strong and just taking each day as another step towards her goal, a woman can achieve anything she wants to.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Cheers to all the women out there! Cheers to the strength we hold each day and the capacity to not give up, kudos to that! Keep going on and do not let trivial things distract you or break you, you are stronger than you know! Make choices for yourself and never let anyone else have control over you. You are a gem and you are worth more than you know! Never lose your spark.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
Being an entrepreneur in today`s world I think is quite an interesting role for a woman. The sense of independence along with the freedom to explore her mind is fun and interesting. Women are coming forward in almost all professions and waving the flag high! Being an entrepreneur means having my own space where I can be myself without the fear of being judged and ruled over by men. A space where I know my worth and show them what we are capable of!
What does power mean to you?
Power to me means freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to make my own choices and live by my dream and not let it get overpowered by anything or anyone else! A woman can feel free in their mind in terms of living their dreams, aspiring to be something and achieving the same power. Standing up to what we own, to what we feel, to our likes and dislikes and having a voice of our woman is the biggest power that a woman can have and with that, he can conquer the world.
What are you most proud of doing?
Designing has always been my elixir and I paved my way with it. In Indian society doing something unconventional, especially being a woman is a battle and I think am super proud of winning that battle with the help of another superwoman in my life, my mother who is a designer herself. Today am in a place where I am taking a step forward toward my dream and each day working towards it.
Kairavi Bharatram, Founder Typsy Beauty

Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
One story that inspires me is that of Huda Kattan. She’s a Dubai-based beauty blogger and the brand owner of Huda Beauty. She quit her job in her 30s and decided to start her own brand. Though she made it a family business I find it inspiring that she is the CEO and not her husband and she has demanded and earned respect as one of the most powerful people in beauty even though she is from the Middle East with is traditionally conservative when it comes to women.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
The role I enjoy the most as a woman is being an empathetic friend and boss. I feel women have a special power when it comes to empathy and sensitivity and know how to make people feel comfortable and heard. When I fulfil the role of my loved ones and the people around me I feel the best.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
I admire my dadi, Mrs Manju Bharat Ram the most. She came from a middle-class family where the women were expected to be homemakers into my grandfather's industrialist family but she was never once intimidated or overwhelmed. She was very passionate about education and giving back to society and started many organisations like The Shri Ram School and The Blind School. She often had to compromise in taking care of her family to fulfil her duties to her work. When she retired she stepped off the board of 65+ NGO’s which just showed what a difference one person made to her society. At a time when women didn’t do things independently, she broke all boundaries and dream so big that nothing could stop her.
What are you most proud of doing?
I’m most proud of fighting my battles with my mental health. It’s not been an easy journey for me and working on my dream side by side has been extremely challenging. The fact that I fight it every day, show up and work and do everything I can to take my business off the ground makes me very proud.
Mini Sood Banerjee, Amorepacific

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
To excel in a predominantly male setting, it's important to balance your femininity with a strong work ethic. While the majority of men I've encountered are diligent and respectful, they tend to acknowledge and appreciate your dedication and authenticity. However, there may be a few outliers who require you to assert yourself and strive towards carving out a more favourable space for yourself in the professional sphere.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
My message for International Women's Day is that women are exceptional beings. We possess a unique combination of intelligence, diligence, and an innate ability to balance our family responsibilities with work. Our multitasking skills are unparalleled, making us capable of achieving great things in life. As a woman, take pride in your identity and work tirelessly towards your goals, whatever they may be. Success doesn't have to be confined to the business or power arenas - it's about pursuing what you truly desire and striving to attain it. With dedication and perseverance, you can reach your aspirations without a doubt.
What does power mean to you?
For me, 'Power' signifies the ability to make a positive impact in the world. It grants you the power to assist and elevate others, ventures into uncharted territories, and pursue new opportunities. Power, to me, is a multifaceted tool that can be utilized in a myriad of ways to propel oneself forward while simultaneously empowering and uplifting others.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
Indira Nooyi is the woman whom I hold in the highest regard. She is the chairperson of one of the largest companies globally, Pepsico, and her journey from humble beginnings to such an influential position is truly remarkable. Along with her professional achievements, she has also effectively managed her family and authored an inspiring book that has impacted the lives of countless women. Additionally, she is deeply involved in various philanthropic efforts, further amplifying my admiration for her.
Avantika Sinha, founder of Kampai

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
It is important to tap into your biggest assets & talents no matter your gender. Women, I believe are natural multi-taskers, which I believe is my greatest strength and will give me an advantage over my male peers. You need to have a strong mindset and utilize your strengths in skill, knowledge, experience, and emotion to pursue what you want, and not wait for it to come to you. Also, my key mantra to be successful is that you need to build up a profound networking platform with partners, clients and friends.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
On this International Women's Day, let us all take a moment to recognise and celebrate the remarkable achievements and contributions of women around the world. Let us also take this opportunity to commit to continuing the fight for gender equality in all aspects of life. The thing I am the proudest of is making the shift to becoming a full-time entrepreneur. I think we all have dreams, ideals and aspirations that keep us alive. It’s probably the hardest yet the most fantastic thing to be fully devoted to nurturing, shaping and making sure these come true.”
What does power mean to you?
To me, power means having the ability to make a difference. It is about having influence and authority to make decisions that will benefit those around you. It is also about being able to take responsibility for your actions and the consequences of them. It is also about having the capacity to be a leader and to inspire others.
What are you most proud of doing?
I am proud of being one of the very few women entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry & proud of the vision that I possess in changing this industry for women & making it easier for more women like me to follow suit.
Mudita Jaipuria, founder of warehouse by Mudita

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Celebrating the courage and determination of women around the world who are fighting for equality and justice and Emphasizing the importance of diversity, inclusion, and gender equality in all aspects of life, and the need to work together to create a better future for all.
What does power mean to you?
To me, power means to serve. What's the point of being the most powerful person in the world if it's not used to help another? At the same time, being accountable for your actions and decisions is imperative to me. Whatever little power I have, it's due to my body of work, and for this, I have to constantly deliver. I have to make sure that I’m on top of my game.”
Priyanka Raina, founder of Maate

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
Determination. Resilience. Persistence. When you believe in what you are doing and what you have to offer the world, you will find a way to do so. If you are intelligent, professional, and willing to work hard for what you want, you will be able to overcome any obstacle.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
You can do anything you put your mind to! Don’t be afraid to dream big. If you have a passion or a calling to create change in this world, believe in yourself and go for it. There will always be challenges along the way that make you question your capability and your worth, but it’s in these hardest moments where growth and strength come from. Always keep moving forward one step at a time, at whatever pace feels right for you.
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
Women itself is a superpower. For me, the fact that you're a woman is naturally linked with the idea of power. We don't admire ourselves that how hard we work in every aspect of our lives, be it at work or home, we emotionally support many people and we constantly make sure everyone around us needs us. We always try to work on finding the balance and honouring ourselves in the process.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
I take inspiration from every strong, hard-working & resilient woman I come across. Women who are successful, who are making a change in society, women whom I work with, or even underprivileged women I meet with while working for my foundation who amaze me with the courage & persistence they show through the hardships of lives. It's always been an incredible opportunity to learn so much from different women, further elevating my professional and personal development.
Anjali Batra - Co-founder of FoodTalk India and Gin Explorers Club

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
When I started my career 9 years ago in this industry, it was a male-dominated world. I’d walk into a meeting and I had to prove myself with my work. No one took me seriously until I started to speak. And then my words turned to actions- and people started to realize I wasn’t just another young girl misfit in a world of male-dominated energy. I have worked incredibly hard to build myself to where I am today- but I think my success mantra was to never see myself as a woman- in the space of men. Instead, I saw myself as a novice- and proved my way up with great work.
Today, it’s no longer male-dominated industry-leading positions in Alcohol bev companies today are held by women. Most of my clients from both global and Indian companies are women and it’s such a great feeling to see that narrative changing today - and more importantly, to see how successful they are building brands and kicking ass. What’s your International Women’s Day message? Stand for a world of equality- not superiority, We are everything a man is - sometimes more. But know your strengths and your weaknesses and use them to become the best version of yourself Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it. Many a time, I remember when we would enter board rooms in our early times and we’d be meeting new clients- they would all have a firm handshake with my business partner and look at me as the ‘intern’ that came along. These situations would irk me initially. But then soon I realized its narrative- it was normalized that a man holds power and control and a woman follows his lead. At that moment I knew there were only two ways- either I could make a fuss over it, or I could prove the power of a woman’s mind and intellect. I chose the latter. Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you. I can’t say one, because I am inspired by women in my life every single day. I am fortunate to have some incredible friends in my life that inspire me every day- They are my sounding board, my cheerleaders and my biggest inspirations and I seek out them for everything. What is the role you enjoy most as a woman? I never thought I’d say this… but I absolutely love being a boss. I take pride in leading my team- they are my family. I am everything I am today because of building a crew of incredibly talented people that help bring all my crazy visions to life. I also love being a creator - as a company we write strategies for brands and build their stories and that is something absolutely love- to know that I get to create something. And lastly, but most importantly, I love being a dog mom. It'd be the most rewarding feeling to come home to the warmest smile and excited barks of my baby after a long day of work. What does power mean to you? Power means respect to me. To walk into a room and have people look at you with respect is the most empowering feeling ever. Which powerful woman do you admire the most? Many incredible women have been an inspiration along my journey, but one particular person has played a very important role in mentoring me through this journey and especially this industry Shweta Jain, Chief Business Development Office at Diageo India. Shweta has truly been an inspiration not just as a mentor for me personally, but her professional joinery, her outlook on building this space and her approach. I am grateful to have had her guidance What are you most proud of doing? I’d have to say I’m most proud of breaking all doubts that people had when we started GEC- and actually playing a very important role in building a spirit - and making India fall in love with Gin. Something that started as a personal obsession for me- as a Gin geek. Today we have built out the industry that started with 5 gins at the start of our journey and 2000 people at a small pop up- to now, over 25 brands and many more emerging in India- 3 cities, 8 editions and over 1 Lakh people. I am incredibly proud of this.
Rina Shah, Founder of Rinaldi Polo and India's first Woman Polo Player

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
I have never thought about it like I have done things because I am passionate about it and never thought that I cannot do it because I am a woman, I think playing polo was the only thing that made me feel a bit but after that, it was about the skill. Yes, society spoke about me but that never bothered me. I succeed because I work hard and stand up for what I believe in.
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
Never because since childhood I have been striving to achieve and be powerful. I always want to learn and work hard to be successful. You must believe that you are powerful and things start happening. Sometimes I feel women are more powerful than men.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
I think being India’s first female polo player I proved to the polo men around me that if I can do it other women can also achieve it. My first game in Jodhpur was my feeling of empowerment.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
Women are multi-faceted and that is the best part. We can do anything we want from working, earning, playing a sport, and giving birth. I love being a woman and especially proving to people that look down on women that we are more than them.
What does power mean to you? Power means being fearless means you don't let any hurdle come in between you and your achievements.
Nupur Vaid, Co-founder of Kyoona

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
It is a quote by Robin Williams. “You are only given one little spark of madness. You must not lose it.” It reminds me to be true to myself.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
It is actually a campaign called “No Conditions Apply” that was done by Swati Bhattacharya for the festival of Sindhur Khela. Traditionally, women who were widows, divorcees, or from the LGBTQ+ community were not allowed to participate in it. But that campaign changed the status quo and brought people together, breaking through the barrier of tradition.
Which woman do you admire?
So, there are two. The first is my mom, Alka Kejriwal. And the second is Sakshi Choudhary, the founder of Indian Creative Women.
What are you most proud of doing?
When I was younger, I started taking dance classes and donated everything I earned to Population First for 3 years for their efforts towards women's empowerment and equality. It is an achievement that is as close to my heart as any of my professional ones
Asha Gupta, Founder Asha Gautam

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
I will say “Never stop believing in yourself, keep working hard towards your goals and even if things don’t work out don’t give up. Don’t compare yourself with anyone and find ways to improve yourself. Develop your skills to adapt to changing times. Lastly, work on controllable in your life and always move ahead”
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
Well, it happened after a few months of my beginning when I used to get firm on work quality and discipline with my workers there was a bit of resilience resulting in some of them collectively leaving and forming a group against me. At that time I felt that they didn’t like a woman showing power or authority. Though it hasn’t happened often and now I don’t feel it initially I did.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you. There are so many but one which is very close to my heart is hiring 5 underprivileged and training them for our work. Today they have started their own small units and have hired more women making me feel proud. Another moment of feeling proud was to see so many of my clients and friends and even my daughters starting their own ventures not only in fashion but elsewhere seeing me, they called me and said that I inspired them to start something of their own. It was a special moment for me as I empowered more women to start entrepreneurship, especially in early 2000.
What does power mean to you?
Power for me is to create an identity of self and in the process make the life of people around you better and more meaningful. If your endeavour creates a positive effect on society it is immensely pleasurable. Power is also an influence for me on society at large, especially in a country like ours where there is immense talent, it can really work to bring an impact. Power is a great medicine but can be poison if not in a positive direction.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
Mother Teressa for charity, Maharani Gayatri devi for her style and love for a sari, Lata Mangeshkar for her love of her crafts, Savitribai Phule for her fight for women’s rights and in recent times Falguni Nayar for starting at 50 and building Nykaa to what it is are some of the names I admire most.
Shehlina Soomro, Founder Saritoria

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
I spent over a decade in the hedge fund industry where I was often the only woman in the room, which seems strange when I look back on it as we have come so far in terms of equality in the workplace. However, I never felt that my gender was a hurdle. What is really great about certain roles in finance is that success is very black or white. Either you’re making money or you’re not. In my role, I was responsible for raising money from institutional investors. By the time I was 30, I had already raised USD $ 2 billion for the fund such that it became the largest hedge fund in Europe in our strategy. I feel that achievement came through a combination of having supportive managers throughout my career (who have mostly been men by the way) and a real hunger to be the best. I definitely put in the hours and made personal sacrifices for my career but that is a very individual choice. Finding a good support network in the workplace or at home is incredibly important as there will be down days when you need a confidant to vent to.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
In a changing world, I hope that in my lifetime women have the choice to do what they want and play the roles that they choose for themselves without judgement from society. With love and understanding, I have no doubt we can get there.
What does power mean to you?
To me, power means to influence and hopefully, it’s always used in a positive way. With Saritoria we are hoping to influence a whole community to change consumer behaviour in a way that will help our planet and future generations.
What are you most proud of doing?
Coming up with the idea of Saritoria was a pivotal moment in my life and a real wake-up call that we can each make a huge positive impact on society. Even though the company is small and we are so early in our journey, the ‘go-live’ was a key milestone for me - I’m so grateful to be working with such amazing women who have brought the business to life!
Dr Jaishree Sharad, internationally renowned cosmetic dermatologist, Author

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
When you are an expert in your field and not only have profound knowledge but also make an attempt to constantly upgrade your skills and knowledge, half the battle is won. You need to be perseverant, focussed, and disciplined in all that you do. You need to believe in yourself and be ready to face whatever challenges life throws at you with conviction and honesty. Last but not the least, practice self-care and self-love. No one can stop you in whatever society you may be in.
What does power mean to you?
Power is an innate strength that comes with dedication, discipline, hard work and determination. With this power, you’re able to influence others in a positive way.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
I am hugely inspired by Indira Nooyi. She encourages people to create their vision and unleash their own power. She works round the clock not just for her benefit but also for the betterment of thousands of women. She is a true woman of substance
What are you most proud of doing?
I have represented my country India at various international conferences around the globe. In Oct 2022, I was the first and the only Indian to speak at a plenary session at the Annual conference of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery. To represent India and the works of Indian dermatologists on such a large and prestigious platform was indeed overwhelming and humbling. In the past too, I have been the only Indian Board director of both the international society of dermatologic surgery and the European Society of cosmetic dermatology.
Varda Goenka, Jewellery Designer

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
To excel in a predominantly male setting, it's important to balance your femininity with a strong work ethic. While the majority of men I've encountered are diligent and respectful, they tend to acknowledge and appreciate your dedication and authenticity. However, there may be a few outliers who require you to assert yourself and strive towards carving out a more favourable space for yourself in the professional sphere.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
My message for International Women's Day is that women are exceptional beings. We possess a unique combination of intelligence, diligence, and an innate ability to balance our family responsibilities with work. Our multitasking skills are unparalleled, making us capable of achieving great things in life. As a woman, take pride in your identity and work tirelessly towards your goals, whatever they may be. Success doesn't have to be confined to the business or power arenas - it's about pursuing what you truly desire and striving to attain it. With dedication and perseverance, you can reach your aspirations without a doubt.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
I take pleasure in all aspects of womanhood. As someone who values family, I cherish my time with loved ones, and as a businesswoman, I appreciate my professional side of myself. I find it fulfilling to connect and engage with diverse women across various industries, and I believe that being a woman in any field is a positive attribute.
What does power mean to you?
For me, 'Power' signifies the ability to make a positive impact in the world. It grants you the power to assist and elevate others, ventures into uncharted territories, and pursue new opportunities. Power, to me, is a multifaceted tool that can be utilized in a myriad of ways to propel oneself forward while simultaneously empowering and uplifting others.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
Indira Nooyi is the woman whom I hold in the highest regard. She is the chairperson of one of the largest companies globally, Pepsico, and her journey from humble beginnings to such an influential position is truly remarkable. Along with her professional achievements, she has also effectively managed her family and authored an inspiring book that has impacted the lives of countless women. Additionally, she is deeply involved in various philanthropic efforts, further amplifying my admiration for her.
Samyukta Ganesh Iyer, Vice President and Head of Marketing at Kaya Limited

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
You are you, uniquely so, beautifully so. Judge yourself a little lesser today, love yourself a little more today, pamper yourself with lesser guilt today, and make that my time by prioritising your needs today. You are not being selfish, you are just gracefully truly valuing the greatest gift - you.
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
Can one truly have it all? No. The decision-making continuum is the only constant - this vs. that. You will always fall short, in your own eyes. Living with those decisions is the hardest. For.e.g. Work Travel vs Leaving the kid at home, Family Function vs Teams meetings. Dinner with a dear friend vs Presentation Deadline. Home Responsibilities after a tough work week vs Me Time. Spending hours nailing the school assignment vs. a quick make-do passable project. Balance is a utopian concept. When you make that choice, the scales always tip. Accepting your decision and embracing that wholeheartedly is your true power.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
Motherhood. It's also the toughest as there is no manual, no SOP, you have to rustle it up as you go along. Bonus - All the teachable moments are applicable in all spheres of your life - at work especially so!
What are you most proud of doing?
Saying no is hard, it's tough to live with that choice as it will more often than not lead you on the road less travelled, more treacherous and unknown. Scary even. But 100% right.
I consciously decided to practice the subtle art of saying no, it's scary but I do it anyway, bravely! And for that, I deserve a wee little pat on the back:)
Pooja Dhingra - Pastry chef and Founder at Le15 Patisserie

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment? I think it’s all about using it as a strength and to your advantage. What’s your International Women’s Day message? Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do! Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you? From the chefs in our kitchen to all the women that work in our office - I’m inspired by them all. They wear multiple hats, run their homes and still manage to give 100% to their jobs! Which powerful woman do you admire the most? There’s not just one! I draw inspiration from many women in my life – starting right from my mom, to Oprah (I think everyone knows how much I love her!). What are you most proud of doing? Even though it might sound cliché, I’m most proud of Le15! The past 13 years have been a rollercoaster – it’s been a constant journey of questioning everything, learning and unlearning.
Radhika Dhariwal, Founder & Managing Director, Passcode Hospitality

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment? I think success follows anyone who is hard-working, passionate and dedicated to what they do--irrespective of gender. So keeping my head down and focusing on the tasks at hand with dedication have helped me. What’s your International Women’s Day message? There is enough space for all of us--sometimes we just have to carve it out for ourselves. Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you. The moment that I realized that you do not have to do everything that is thrown at you or expected of you. Do what you can do, and do it very well. What does power mean to you? Power means the ability to choose and make decisions that make you most happy. You choose what your career looks like, and what your personal life looks like. What are you most proud of doing?
I am most proud of not being scared of new frontiers and of being able to wear different hats, as and when needed. It has been a bit of a balancing act being a restaurateur, an author and starting a liquor company while raising a toddler. Challenging at times, but really, really fun.
Shivani Goel, VP Marketing, Forever New

What’s your International Women’s Day message? My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant being your own person, being independent and confident. Women are the real architects of society and always a source of inspiration. On this day, let’s thank every woman in our life and show them some love. Let’s remind ourselves that we are absolutely and unbelievably amazing. Let’s show the world that Women can achieve everything in life and they can be independent. Let’s celebrate this Women’s Day with some incredible achievements and contributions of women around the world. Happy Women's Day!
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it. No, never! I’ve always been surrounded by supportive and admirable people. But again, more than powerful I have felt influential. I feel influenced by the people who have the urge to be successful in their life and overcome all their fears. What does power mean to you? I prefer the term ‘influence’ over ‘power’, as ‘power’ makes me think of a sort of dictatorship. I like to influence people to the best of my capabilities. What are you most proud of doing? I am a woman who has managed to accept and I see myself more as a woman of strength. Acceptance is the key to great success in life. I believe women with strength and confidence achieve great things in life.
Dildeep Kalra, Director Massive Restaurants

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
Even though times and people's mentality is changing, there is an overbearing presence or male domination in every industry in India, especially Hospitality. In times and moments like this women need to stand by their female contemporaries and regard them as equals. We need to empower each other. By doing so we not only ride together but grow as respectable individuals in society.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Be bold, fearless and confident in everything you aspire to do.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
I admire Zaha Hadid, Indra Nooyi, Angela Merkel amongst a few. All these women have one common factor regardless of the sector they’ve made strides in their field. They are achievers.
What are you most proud of doing? I believe we women wear multiple hats. Whether it may be a daughter, wife, mother, entrepreneur, or homemaker, the fact that we can multitask is what I’m proud of the most. We do all these activities to the T.
Prerna Rajpal, Founder Amaris Jewels

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment? In the present-day business environment, exhibiting confidence and assertiveness is paramount. It is imperative to advocate for oneself and take calculated risks to stand out from the crowd. However, in my viewpoint, it is also essential to uphold ethical values while striving to make a positive impact not only in the industry but also in the community. One should leverage their knowledge and skills to achieve success in any given setting What’s your International Women’s Day message? I think as women we lead such multi-faceted lives, there’s so much on our plates at any point in time, that I feel we must show ourselves some self-love and keep some me-time every day. It’s extremely important to unwind and give yourself a breather every now and then. What are you most proud of doing? Building Amaris from the ground up despite all the struggles is my biggest pride. It’s a completely self-funded business and literally started from the basement of my house. When I look back, the journey of these last 10 years has been the most incredible, filled with many highs and lows. Today when AMARIS is recognised as one of the most innovative and disruptive fine jewellery brands in the country, and when I see the leading ladies of Indian cinema sport our jewellery - it fills my heart with tremendous pride. Which powerful woman do you admire the most? Indra Nooyi’s life and career have been nothing less than inspirational. As a young Indian girl who made it to the top of Corporate America - Indra Nooyi is someone who has achieved great business success yet balanced a close-knit family. She really redefined what it means to be an exceptional leader with her unique vision, sense of purpose and relentless pursuit of excellence
Garima Luthra, Co-founder Vaaree

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
You are powerful and self-sufficient - don't let anyone say otherwise, ever.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
We started looking for women in manufacturing, extremely hard to find, but there are a few. We partnered with a small manufacturer who operated from a 10x10 foot unit, enabling her, and educating her about brands and selling online was an aha moment for me. Proudly - she has tripled her capacity today and is an amazing businesswoman.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
Every day I have to assume several roles, as a founder, a sister, a wife, and a friend, but I still love being the daughter. You know, how you can go back home, hug them and always be their child? That's awesome.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
This is tough, I don't know how you define powerful but the woman I admire the most is my Nani (maternal grandmother). They had very few opportunities at their age and time, but she ensured that I grew to be an independent woman.
Veena Ashiya, Founder of Monrow

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
In a male-dominated culture, you navigate by taking advantage of society itself. There will be many men who sincerely believe in successful women. You can work with them in the form of your husband, business partner, or the individuals you work with. Dealing with such men while being a feminist has a further compounding impact since you are working with men who believe in women.
What’s your International Women’s Day message?
I have a little advice for the ambitious women out there, First, own your ambition, second ask for support, equal rights & responsibilities, never shy away from asking if you believe in yourself and last but not least share your success & achievements, it will give the society a new lens to look you at and it might inspire many more women out there to do good and something for themselves.
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that ‘women’ and ‘power’ are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
Indeed, I have been led to believe that 'power' and 'woman' are completely opposite notions. People have always associated power with men. For example, being strong at the gym or strong in finance. I am also incredibly good at numbers and have always been proud of them, which contributes to my success. I made certain that I owned it, and I continued to improve.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
The Me-Too campaign, I believe, was the most inspiring and empowering moment for me. The fact that some of us came out against the abuse has made it so much easier for many women out there, and the Me-Too movement is now like an ozone layer that shields us.
What does power mean to you?
Power, to me, is more of us and less of myself. When we focus on everyone else, this is how we grow as a tribe. And because we are a women-led firm, a lot of our strength is being harnessed even more because we are collectively building it.
What are you most proud of doing?
I am extremely proud of prioritising my passion in my life and having the confidence and drive to develop it into my profession, and hence my value proposition. Very few individuals can claim that their job is also their passion, so I'm quite happy to have hit that sweet spot.
Tanya Swetta, CEO & Co-Founder id8 Media Solutions

What’s your International Women’s Day message?
Women are the most powerful beings in the world, we hold the shakti to keep things together and to blossom ourselves and those around us. To all the incredible women out there, stay strong, stay true and unleash your female power to create miracles and magic.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
Every day I see amazing moments of prowess from my team of women communicators, they come from diverse backgrounds, privileged or not, and they always drive themselves to be better, smarter and more effective. This is a true symbol of women's empowerment.
What does power mean to you?
The ability to drive change for the betterment and growth of those around me, society and the planet.
Anushka Ahuja, Co-founder Ghar-Ghar

How do you succeed in a male-dominated environment?
To succeed in a male-dominated environment, having self-confidence and faith in one's capabilities is essential while maintaining an open and supportive attitude toward colleagues and other stakeholders. In addition, building relationships of mutual trust and respect is necessary, as cultivating a growth mindset and actively seeking feedback to work on development areas continuously. Finally, it is essential to remain resilient when faced with criticism and remember that success is a long-term process that only sometimes yields immediate results.
What's your International Women's Day message?
International Women's Day is a day to recognize and celebrate the remarkable contributions of women around the world. It is a day to acknowledge the many ways women have impacted our society and an occasion to thank them for their invaluable work. My message is to lift each other and support one another in creating a better future where gender equality is achieved. Let us take this opportunity to recognize the societal issues that still need to be addressed and come together to create lasting change in our world.
Have you ever been in a situation that made you think that 'women' and 'power' are two incompatible concepts? Describe it.
I have found myself in situations that made me doubt whether women and power could be reconciled. More often than not, I have seen powerful women get overlooked, undervalued, or overshadowed by their male counterparts. Let's make conscious efforts to create an environment where our female colleagues feel empowered and respected, to allow women to judge their potential and pursue opportunities to take on leadership roles in the workplace. Ultimately, our society is responsible for creating an equal and respectful environment for all people.
Share a women's empowerment moment that inspired you.
I recently had an inspiring experience while attending a women's empowerment event. I had the honour of listening to a successful businesswoman in my community share her journey and the obstacles she overcame to reach her current professional level. Hearing her story of resilience and dedication sparked something that felt empowering and inspiring in me.
What is the role you enjoy most as a woman?
The role I enjoy most as a woman is the ability to be a leader and role model to all genders. It gives me immense joy to help those around me develop their confidence, self-efficacy and strengths while advocating for and representing the issues that matter to me.
What does power mean to you?
Power is about ownership and control in life, having the capacity to make decisions and control your environment. It is also about leverage, being able to have the resources at your disposal to be able to have an impact far beyond yourself. Finally, power is about having the ability to effect change and progress and enable others to do the same. Having authority means having a solid voice and shaping the future.
What are you most proud of doing?
I'm most proud of achieving my dream of designing and creating a brand that resonates with me. Starting a business is never easy, but it was something I was passionate about and determined to pursue. Over the years, I have worked hard to accomplish this goal and am proud of how far I have come. I'm also proud of the positive impact I have created by providing opportunities for other individuals to become successful in their careers.
Which powerful woman do you admire the most?
The mighty woman that I admire the most is Malala Yousafzai. She advocates for the right of all children to receive an education, an idea that I strongly support. From being a schoolgirl in Pakistan to becoming the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, she inspires us all. Malala's bravery in speaking up for what she believes in, despite being faced with extreme hostility and danger, is something I will never forget. Her courage is an example for us all to stand up for what is right.